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ESL Prepositions Of Place Exercises: Lesson Description


This lesson plan on ESL prepositions of place exercises based on The Beatles' Yellow Submarine music video contains worksheets and digital materials for A2 pre-intermediate students. By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use basic vocabulary on the topic of submarines, as well as be able to use prepositions of place to describe locations and their surroundings.


This lesson on ESL prepositions of place exercises starts off with the teacher reading an engaging description as if they were actually in a submarine. Students must guess where the teacher is based on this description, and then they proceed to discuss some questions about submarines. They proceed to do a prediction-based activity about what will happen and what they will hear in the song lryics of the music video using some images.


After a short preview discussion about the band The Beatles, Students watch a music video titled "Yellow Submarine", and they complete some of the missing song lyrics based on what they hear, including one of the prepositions of place "beneath". They also do a viewing-based activity in the second part, in which they must choose the right word according to what they see in the video.


To follow up the video, students do some more discussion questions about this music video by The Beatles, and then move on to ESL prepositions of place exercises based on the song lyrics. Students look at an image of a submarine underwater, with a variety of other sea life and objects, and they must form sentences using prepositions of places about where things are relative to each other in the image. 


In the final activation stage of the lesson, students must choose from a list of several locations provided in the lesson materials, and then describe where they are using the prepositions of place they learned. Their classmate and teacher must guess where they are based on their description, and students takes turns with their classmate/teacher doing this exercise. They also have the chance to describe a real experience they have and their surroundings using prepositions of place.

Benefits of using this lesson plan on ESL prepositions of place exercises and The Beatles:

This lesson plan gives you the chance to teach prepositions of place using a fun, lively, and colorful music video that is sure to capture students' attention. Music videos are always a great way to grip your students' attention.

The activities and exercises on prepositions of place are structured in order to pave a clear path for students to effectively use prepositions of place in real-life scenarios.

Since prepositions of place are such a common language function in both written and spoken English, it's essential to give students the skills to be able to use them properly, which is what this lesson plan will provide you. If you have any students who fans of The Beatles, especially at lower intermediate levels, you can't miss out on this lesson on prepositions of place and The Beatles!

Video Description

Music video by The Beatles performing Yellow Submarine.

Lesson Activities


Submarines, The Beatles


Song Lyrics, Word Choice


Submarines, Images


Prepositions of Place Exercises


Prepositions of Place Guessing Game, Quiz & Review, Lesson Reflection

Lesson Topics

Submarines, The Beatles

ESL Prepositions Of Place Exercises

The Beatles: Yellow Submarine Music Video



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