In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about tips for surviving a long flight. It includes discussion questions and conversation activities about flying and flights. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms related to this topic. The grammar exercises feature get + adjectives, and the verb structures (get someone to do something). There is a quiz and review with a bonus activity.
Video Description
We all love travelling but long flights can be a drag. Learn what you can do in order to enhance your overall experience with two guys who know best, giving you all the tips you need to get through a long flight.
Lesson Activities
Flying, Flights, Travel
Short Answers
Images, Verbs, Definitions, Context Usage
Get + Adjectives, Get + [someone] + to do + something
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity
Traveling, Flights, Tips
Flying Long-Distance? Tips To Survive a Long Flight