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The single biggest reason why start-ups succeed

Student Level


Video Length: 6:40

Updated on: 04/16/2020

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise on startup companies and what makes them successful. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about entrepreneurs and startups. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms, expressions, and phrases from the video. The grammar exercise features the modal verb 'would' in the progressive form. There is also a quiz & review section which includes some bonus activities.

Video Description

Bill Gross, the founder of IdeaLab, has a lot of experience in the field of startups and carried out some research on what exactly makes them succeed and fail. So he collected data from hundreds of companies, ranked each company on five key factors, and pinpointed which factor came on top as the most important factor for startup success.

Lesson Activities

Startup Companies, Entrepreneurship
Short Answers, Finish the Sentences
Nouns, Parts of Speech, Phrases, Context Usage
Would+ be + [verb-ing]
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activities

Lesson Topics

Startup Companies & Entrepreneurship

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