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Our Ride in a Self-Driving Uber

Student Level


Video Length: 3:15

Updated on: 08/30/2020

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about a news report on self-driving Uber cars in Pittsburgh. It includes discussion questions and conversation activities about self-driving cars. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms related to this topic. The grammar exercise features prepositions with driving. In the cooperation activity students can create a new type of technology.

Video Description

Uber comes to Pittsburgh with an innovative twist to the car-sharing economy - self-driving cars. Why Pittsburgh? How does a self-driving car work? How far away are we from this becoming a normal thing? How do Uber drivers feel about this? Hop in a ride and check out the answers with a CNN reporter and the director of Uber Advanced Technologies.

Lesson Activities

Self-Driving Cars, Driving, Technology
Short Answers, Multiple Choice
Definitions, Context Usage, Expressions, Road / Car Categorization
Prepositions with Driving
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity

Lesson Topics

Self-Driving Cars, Uber, Technology

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