In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a short informational video and do a listening exercise about a psychologist who gives advice on how to raise resilient kids. It includes discussion questions and conversation activities about parenting, kids, and upbringing. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms and phrases from the video. The post-viewing section includes follow-up discussion and grammar activities on the second conditional for giving advice in hypothetical situations. There is an additional role play conversation and advice task included, as well as a lesson reflection at the end.
Video Description
Wharton School professor and author Adam Grant argues that kids are too often sheltered from struggle. In this short interview at the 2017 Aspen Ideas Festival, Grant recommends that parents seek advice from their children so that they can practice responding to adversity.
Lesson Activities
Parenting, Kids, Upbringing
Tips From The Video, Video Topics, Discussion
Phrases, Agree/Disagree, CCQ Discussion
Second Conditional ("would" for giving advice)
Role Play Task, Giving Advice Task, Lesson Reflection