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Prison Life in Norway

Student Level


Video Length: 3:35

Updated on: 03/04/2020

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise on a short documentary about prison life in Norway. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about prison. Students learn some important vocabulary words, phrases, and expressions from the video. The grammar activity features the usage of 'until' with negative constructions. There is a quiz and review with a bonus activity included.

Video Description

Heated floors, bike rides, and five-star cooking classes. Welcome to prison in Norway. It looks nothing like most prisons in the US. That's because Norway's prison system is designed with three core values in mind: normality, humanity and rehabilitation.

Lesson Activities

Finish the Sentences
Collocations, Verbs, Context Usage
Until (negative constructions)
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity

Lesson Topics


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