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Ismo: The Most Complicated Word in English

Student Level


Video Length: 5:22

Updated on: 03/11/2020

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about a stand-up comedy performance from a Finnish comedian anmed Ismo. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about living in America, English, and profanity. Students learn some important vocabulary terms from the video. The grammar activity features the usage of adverbs - just, even, and still. There is also a quiz & review section with a bonus activity. ***Contains mild profanity!*** It's recommended to check to make sure that the video content is appropriate for your student(s).

Video Description

Finnish comedian Ismo thought "ass" just meant "butt." But that’s just the tip of assberg.

Lesson Activities

LIfe in America, English, Profanity
Matching Activity
Adectives, Phrases, Profanity
Adverbs - just, still, and even
Quiz & Review

Lesson Topics

Foreign Languages, Life in America, English Language, Profanity

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