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Step Inside a Real Haunted House

Student Level


Video Length: 1:44

Updated on: 10/25/2022

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

1 Credit

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about a real haunted known as the 'Winchester Mystery House'. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about haunted houses and ghosts. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms and phrases from the video. The post-viewing excercise includes follow-up discussion and CCQ discussion based on some of the vocabulary used in the video. The grammar sections features the difference between 'had' (past simple) and 'have/has had' (present perfect). There is also a follow-up image task and role play task, as well as a lesson reflection at the end.

Video Description

Great Big Story presents a story about a real haunted house located in California. The 'Winchester Mystery House' is full of spooky attributes and ghost presence that is sure to give you the chills.

Lesson Activities


Ghosts, Haunted Houses


True / False, Short Answers


Images, CCQ Discussion


Past Simple / Present Perfect Simple


Image Task, Role Play Task, Lesson Reflection

Lesson Topics

Haunted Houses, Ghosts

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