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The American Electoral College Explained

Student Level


Video Length: 5:21

Updated on: 10/06/2020

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise on the American Electoral College system and how it operates. It includes discussion questions, conversation, and other activities about American politics. Students learn some important vocabulary words, phrases, and expressions from the video. The grammar activity features the usage of 'however' and 'whereas'. There is a quiz and review with a bonus activity included.

Video Description

You vote, but then what? Discover how your individual vote contributes to the popular vote and your state's electoral vote in different ways--and see how votes are counted on both state and national levels.

Lesson Activities

American Political System, Elections
Short Answers, True / False
Verbs, Phrases, Context Usage
Conjunctions: However... & whereas...
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity

Lesson Topics

American Electoral College, Voting

Lesson Preview

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