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Creativity ESL Lesson Plan

What Is Creativity?

Student Level


Video Length: 2:30

Updated on: 04/19/2023

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

1 Credit

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Creativity ESL Lesson Plan Description


This creativity ESL lesson plan contains activities, PDF worksheets, and digital materials for B1 intermediate students. By the end of the lesson, students will understand and be able to discuss and define what creativity is, as well as look at and talk about how it shows up in different ways and places.


This ESL lesson plan on creativity starts out by having students define creativity and discuss its meaning and implications. They continue on to analyse and discuss quotes about creativity from important figures such as Albert Einstein and Donatella Versace. There is also an activity in which students look at and analyse some images and discuss what they think are the most creative products and objects.


Students watch an engaging animated video exploring the concept of creativity. Students engage in listening comprehension activities in which they identify examples of creative works mentioned in the video and complete sentences with nouns and adjectives.


After watching the video, students discuss the effectiveness and the creative aspects of the video. They then proceed to do a vocabulary activity in which they match adjectives with their definitions to understand the descriptive words used in the video. This is followed by an activity in which students identify the adjective endings ( -tial, -ful, -ing, -ive) that fit given nouns/verbs.


In this activation, students participate in brainstorming tasks where they think of and discuss their creations from their past, present, or future. They then work collaboratively to describe the reasons, processes, values, and feelings related to their creations.

Benefits of using this creativity ESL lesson plan:

Problem-solving Skills: Understanding creativity is essential and beneficial as it helps your students develop problem-solving skills and thinking abilities, which are vital in every aspect of life.

Stimulation: Creativity makes learning more engaging and enjoyable, fostering a love for learning by involving students in topics and discussions that stimulate their creative thinking and encourage innovative ideas.

Personal Expression: Teaching an ESL lesson focused on creativity offers students a platform to express themselves, explore new ideas, and reflect on their thoughts, experiences, and the world around them.

If you’re looking for a lesson plan about creativity for your intermediate students, then this is the lesson for you! It contains rich and practical vocabulary that students can apply in any setting that involves talking about creativity, and thoroughly prepares students for discussions about creative endeavors and innovations.

Video Description

Animation exploring what is creativity. Creativity – continuously used, widely valued, but what is it? Hear Kingston School of Art alumni kick the question around.

Lesson Activities


Creativity, Quotes


Examples Of Creative Works, Finish Writing Sentences, Adjectives/Nouns


Images, Adjectives/Adjective Formation


Brainstorming, Discussion, & Description Task, Bonus Pronunciation, Quiz & Review, Lesson Reflection

Lesson Topics


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