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Bitcoin Basics: How Does It Work?

Student Level


Video Length: 1:36

Updated on: 10/04/2019

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It includes discussion questions and conversation activities about finance, cryptocurrency, and the economy. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms from the video. The grammar exercises feature comparisons (as...as) and the passive voice. There is also a quiz & review with a bonus activity.

Video Description

Many people have heard of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency but some are still a little unclear about how exactly it works. Educate your students on it using this short, but very clear, breakdown on the ins and outs of cryptocurrency. A hot topic today that will definitely stir up some good conversation about the evolution and future of money.

Lesson Activities

Finance, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Economy
Multiple Choice, Short Answers, Matching, Choosing Correct Word
Definitions, Context Usage
Comparisons (as...as) / Passive Voice
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity

Lesson Topics

Finance, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Economy

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