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Little League Baseball Transforms Dangerous City in USA

Student Level


Video Length: 6:38

Updated on: 07/14/2017

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

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Lesson Description

In this ESL lesson plan for adults and teens, students watch a video and do a listening exercise about a man who starts a little league baseball league in a city filled with crime. It includes discussion questions and conversation activities about crime, teenage life, and baseball. Students also learn some important vocabulary terms and phrases from the video. The post-viewing section includes sections on prepositions and past perfect. There are additional speaking tasks included, as well as a quiz and review section with a bonus activity.

Video Description

Camden, New Jersey - known as the most dangerous city in the USA. Bryan Morton, a resident of Camden, grew up and went through a big life struggle as a teenager - he used to deal drugs and then had to spend years in prison. When he got out, he wanted to give something positive back to the community. So he started a baseball league to help lead children away from crime and down a different path than his own.

Lesson Activities

Baseball, Inner-City Crime, Teenage Life
Short Answers, Short Description
Phrasal Verbs, Phrases, Translations
Past Perfect
Quiz & Review + Bonus Activity

Lesson Topics

Baseball, Crime, Teenage Life

Lesson Preview

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