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Shopping Vocabulary ESL Lesson Plan

Assisting Customers At The Store

Student Level


Video Length: 1:48

Updated on: 08/14/2024

Lesson Time: 1–2 hrs.

1 Credit

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Shopping Vocabulary ESL Lesson Plan Description


This shopping vocabulary ESL lesson plan provides activities, PDF worksheets, and digital materials designed for beginner A1 students. In this lesson, students will:

  • Engage in discussions about shopping and shop assistants
  • Learn vocabulary terms related to shopping and shop assistants
  • Watch a video about what a shopping assistant does
  • Learn some basic phrases that can help them while shopping
  • Engage in a role play in which students are at the shop


Students start this ESL lesson plan on shopping vocabulary by matching job-related objects like price, goods, money, a till (cash register), a bag, and a credit card with images of these items. This helps them learn basic shopping vocabulary.

Next, they discuss a few questions about the job of a shop assistant. This encourages them to think about the role and share their opinions.

Then, they tick the five skills they think are important for shop assistants from a list, which includes Customer Service, Emotional Intelligence, and Flexibility, among others.

Finally, students identify whether statements about zero-waste stores selling eco-friendly products, industrial products, or organic products are true or false, helping them understand the zero-waste concept.


Students watch a video about a shop assistant and their daily duties. They order Amy’s daily activities from 2 to 6, such as using a till, putting prices on items, and counting money. This activity helps them understand a shop assistant's typical tasks.

They then match skills needed for the job, like Communication and Flexibility, with their descriptions, reinforcing their understanding of essential skills.

Lastly, students select the correct options about what Amy likes about her job, such as enjoying a busy environment or meeting new people, connecting job satisfaction with daily tasks.


Students discuss whether they would like to work as a shop assistant and which skills they have or would like to learn from Amy. This promotes personal reflection and sharing.

They also read dialogues between Amy and her customers. They categorize various shopping-related phrases into types of communication, such as asking for assistance or describing customer needs. This helps them practice recognizing various communication scenarios.


In this activity, students first choose a product they are interested in, like a tech item or clothing. They then role-play a shopping scenario with a classmate or teacher, taking turns as the shop assistant and the customer. In the role play, they practice asking and answering questions. They can use some of the shopping phrases they learned in the previous dialogues.

Alternatively, students describe their own job using prompts about their daily tasks and job enjoyment, allowing them to practice describing job roles and responsibilities.


Improves Vocabulary:

Students learn and use common words related to shopping.

Enhances Communication Skills:

Students practice speaking and listening through role plays and discussions.

Builds Understanding of Job Roles:

Students understand what a shop assistant does and what skills are needed.

Encourages Critical Thinking:

Students think about job difficulty and their own skills and preferences.

Practices Real-Life Scenarios:

Students get ready for real-life shopping situations and interactions with shop assistants.

Video Description

Watch Amy, a dynamic shop assistant at a zero-waste store, as she handles sales, stocks shelves, and helps customers. See how she makes shopping easy and enjoyable while managing prices and providing great service!

Lesson Activities


Shopping, Shop Assistants


Sequencing Job Activities, Shop Assistant Job Skills, Word Choice


Objects At The Shop, Shopping Phrases


"Can I help you?" Shopping Role Play, Quiz & Review, Lesson Reflection

Lesson Topics

At The Shop, Customer Service

Lesson Preview

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